In Mexico we use to say that we only appreciate how much we nos (in this case photography) until you share with someone. Taking advantage to my experience in photography and computer sciences, since the beginning of digital photography in the 90’s I enjoy to help other photographers to make the transition to the new photographic technologies.
In front of an audience of photography enthusiasts I had the joy to talk about Timelapses in the Conarte’s Art School “Adolfo Prieto” in Fundidora Park in Monterrey, México. The talk went from the different types of timelapses, trough the equipment necessary to take them.
The audience learn how to create them with an iPhone, DSLR or specialised timelapse cameras as Brinno. Without notice, the people was being filmed with a Brinno camera all trough the conference.
Tha assistants receive tips on the different topics in a timelapse like nature, production proceses, events and TV clips.
At the end of the conference, they were surprised when the speaker shows them in a timelapse straight from the camera.
In this 3 day workshop the assistants learn from the basics how to use the iPhone’s operating system regarding photography. Tools for taking photographs, edit and organise them in the phone, and sharing with others trough the internet were the initial topics.
Later on, they learn about more advanced topics like panoramic photographs, HDR etc.
In the second part of the workshop, how to successfully compose their photographs in the phone, and the latest and better applications devloped by third party companies to process, apply filters and special effects their photos.
In this conference, the speaker took a business concept Thinking Outside the Box and apply to the photography. With a little creativity and technical skill we can paint with light and create an image that goes beyond an impact image, and translate to video with a series of consecutive images.
The second topic was how anybody can create an impressive panoramic image with virtually any camera. That was maybe unthinkable in the analog photographic era.
The last topic was 3D photography. The audience learn about the process to create 3D images based on 2D content and how they can take 3D pictures with a regular camera. .
Besides other photographers taking about their respective photographic specialties, Luis Roberto De León, talked about the different types of Commercial Photography that have been making for about 25 years.
The audience was able to see how difficult could be an Industrial photographic session through behind the scenes with situations that require the photographers clim on a freight elevator 12 meters above the street level.
In front of an audience of profesional photographers from all Mexico and USA, the conference cover four topics related to the digital photography.
The first one topic was on how the emerging photographer can learn from websites like company sites (Nikon, Canon, Epson), Forums, and mailing list all over the internet.
Later the public learn about with virtually any camera, they can take timelapses, and incorpore them to their commercial video work.
The third topic was panoramic photography, where the image professionals learn how to plan and take panoramic photography.
Last but not least, the photographers receive an overview and impressive examples of Spherical Photography (Quicktime VR).
This 3 day workhsop was intended to teach actual photographers the different destinations their photographs goes and the tecnical characteristics that should the files have in order to look at the best.
The assistants also learn the newest tecnologías that can be used not only in photography, as in video productions taken with DSRL Cameras.
In this two part conference, the hispanic photographers from Los Angeles area, learn about the best way a photographer should do in order to maintain the greatest quality possible in their images.
Topics like different formats (and how they process photographic images), retouch, proper archive to the final images among others were shared to the enthusiast photographers.
In this conference the graphic design students learn how the old school photograhers use to work, among the enormous changes that the digital photographers have to adopt in order to keep update to this new technologies.
In this conference the assistant learned through the steps from a photograph is taken trough you receive the payment from the client.
The photographers receive detailed explanations to the steps required from the moment a photograph is download to the computer, what to process first, when do backup the files trough different steps of the post-production process in order to keep the images safe.
In this conference the assistant learned through the steps from a photograph is taken trough you receive the payment from the client.
The photographers receive detailed explanations to the steps required from the moment a photograph is download to the computer, what to process first, when do backup the files trough different steps of the post-production process in order to keep the images safe.
In the digital era of photography it remains a lot of doubts about the technical aspects of the cameras, and other machines involving in the process to make images.
The assistants learn from detailed and easy to understand explanations about how a camera records images, how they process and storage them, with every equipment do in the process. Basics like what is a computer, scanner, and printer are and how they work.
The question and answers session has the more participation in the convention because many of the assistants are just taking the crossover to the digital photography.
That was the first time that the Digital Photography was taken as a whole conference. Even if at that time digital photography was only a promise, the assistants were so interested on what the future will impact them as a photographers.
Most of them saw for the first time a digital camera, and forecast about how the digital photography is going to be in the following years. The resolution of that camera (640 x 480 pixels) cause laughs now but at that time was one of the greatest.
A participant ask the speaker when he thinks the digital photography will replace the resolution and quality of the film photographs. The answer was: “I don’t now when, but is for shure that will” and it did…
Luis Roberto De León has been dedicated to industrial and commercial photography for more than 30 years, staying at the forefront with digital technologies.
Phone: +52 (81) 8340 9090